

Workplace recognition motivates, provides a sense of accomplishment, and makes employees feel valued for their work. Recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement but also has been found to increase productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.



Gallup suggests recognizing employees at least once a week. It’s crucial to satisfy an employee’s ongoing, short-term need for regular recognition rather than relying on infrequent, annual gestures.


Strike while the iron is hot! Timely recognition is more meaningful and authentic. The quicker you acknowledge someone for a specific behavior, the more likely they will repeat it.


Linking recognition to a specific achievement encourages continued strong performance. Authenticity lies in personalized appreciation, aligning your recognition to an individual’s preferred methods of acknowledgement.


Encourage peer-to-peer recognition amongst your team. A culture of recognition thrives when everyone actively participates, bringing about a more inclusive and uplifting workplace environment.

Service Milestones

Georgia Tech formally recognizes employees’ years of service when their tenure reaches one, five, 10, and 25 years.

Creating a Culture of Recognition

Access downloadable content, articles, and resources to help you infuse recognition into your workplace culture.

Staff Awards

In addition to a monetary gift, the annual Staff Award winners are recognized at the Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon and receive a plaque to commemorate their achievements.

Incentives & Awards

This program promotes efficiency and effectiveness in achieving strategic organizational goals within units. Incentive plans also reward exceptional performance on critical projects.

Show your L.O.V.E.

At Georgia Tech, we strive to Live Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E. GT). To reach our goals, our community’s actions must be firmly grounded in our shared values, including behaviors, practices; policies; processes; and rewards that demonstrate our commitment to Georgia Tech.

Show your L.O.V.E.

At Georgia Tech, we strive to Live Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E. GT). To reach our goals, our community’s actions must be firmly grounded in our shared values, including behaviors, practices; policies; processes; and rewards that demonstrate our commitment to Georgia Tech.

Show your L.O.V.E.

At Georgia Tech, we strive to Live Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E. GT). To reach our goals, our community’s actions must be firmly grounded in our shared values, including behaviors, practices; policies; processes; and rewards that demonstrate our commitment to Georgia Tech.

Show your L.O.V.E.

At Georgia Tech, we strive to Live Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E. GT). To reach our goals, our community’s actions must be firmly grounded in our shared values, including behaviors, practices; policies; processes; and rewards that demonstrate our commitment to Georgia Tech.

The Whistle is Georgia Tech’s biweekly faculty/staff e-newsletter. It is distributed via email every other Monday throughout the year, with the exception of a hiatus during the second half of December.

The Whistle includes a section for employee awards and recognition received from organizations external to Georgia Tech. Please send your achievements to Kristen Bailey at to be featured.

Mattie Hamilton

Mattie Hamilton

Recognition Program Manager


Kimberly Goler-Stubbs

Kimberly Goler-Stubbs

Employee Health & Well-being Program Manager

Jennifer Attilus-August

Jennifer Attilus-August

Belonging Program Manager