Emotional wellness is the process of recognizing, managing, and nurturing your emotions.

Spiritual well-being for employees is a dimension of overall well-being that focuses on the individual’s sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to something greater than themselves.

Intellectual well-being for employees is a dimension of overall well-being that centers on the development, stimulation, and growth of an individual’s intellectual capacities and mental faculties.

Physical wellness means taking care of your body and your health.

Environmental wellness for employees is a crucial dimension of overall well-being, focusing on the physical and psychological aspects of the work environment and its impact on an individual’s health and quality of life.

Occupational wellness means feeling fulfilled, engaged, and successful at work.

Financial wellness for employees is a critical dimension of overall well-being that focuses on an individual’s financial stability, security, and satisfaction in their work and personal life.

Social well-being for employees is a critical dimension of overall well-being that focuses on the quality of their interpersonal relationships, interactions, and sense of belonging within their workplace and broader social context.